While I've been absent as of late on this site, I've been writing a lot for my travel blog, World Curious Traveler. Check it out!
It seems like the rain which fell for months and months on end has finally gone away. Now, we're enjoying the start of a gorgeous "fall" season on Okinawa.
Here's what we've been doing lately on our tiny island.
We went to another Eisa Festival, and witnessed all the dancing, fashion, and food that characterizes these events. I will miss these carnivals when we leave!
This time of year is special because troops of Eisa dancers travel around the island, stop, and perform in neighborhoods and along the side of the road.
Last Saturday night, we heard the distinctive boom of the drums and walked out the door to our apartment building to watch.
They tried to pull me into the conga line, but I managed to escape!
Okinawa is also home to a stretch of really nice tourist hotels, catering mostly to mainland Japanese. We visited the Manza Beach Resort hotel for lunch (there is a nice buffet with interesting items at times like crocodile fritters!)
After eating, we sat outside and read and relaxed looking out at the gorgeous view. I felt like I was on vacation...