We made this little video travelogue of the day's adventure to share with all of you. Please check it out. We worked really hard on it... and make sure to watch until the end. Hope you enjoy...
If this screen is too small, check out the youtube version!
The restaurant we visited is called Captain Kangaroo, and I highly recommend it. Check back soon, because we'll post a full review with directions to it.
Love the video travelogue! And yes, please post directions because Joe and I are one to travel the island for good food and fun, too!
you are hilarious. and this was SO fun and funny. i have no idea where you find the time!
You guys are so much fun! What a great Saturday!
You're one of the few bloggers who has anything good to share!! Please help!
My husband is stationed in Misawa Japan and he left only a few days ago. I am trying to find information about Japan; we are both new to this culture. We were married July 2nd and we are both wondering if he will be able to take me over there with him. hopefully you can help me out.
Dear Anonymous,
You can visit your husband any time you like. If you want to move to Japan to be with him then he needs to have his orders modified to accompanied. His admin section should be able to help him with that. If you come out before his orders are changed you will not have SOfA status and depending on his rank he won't be able to move out in town until his orders are changed.
Hi Anonymous,
(Sorry to barge in Mary!) I did the same thing. And know of a few other people who did the same. All he needs to do is amend his orders to say accompanied, then you need to get overseas medical clearance through a military hospital/clinic, he sends those paperwork in to his people, they clear you overseas, they schedule a moving company to pick up your household goods, they book you a flight to come over, and then you can be with your new hubby legally in Japan and be SOFA status!
I know it's easier said than done. My process was pretty easy, but I know some who had a rough time. Good luck!
Thanks Liza for your input on that...well said!
McP. I can't believe you put down your Robert Jordan novel "Wheel of Time" in order to take your better half out to a fine meal by the beach.
Best Regards and Semper Fi,
Mat V.
I haven't tried the Captain Kangaroo place but just down the street on the left is the store that I am posting about tomorrow on Okinawa Hai - I used Captain Kangaroo as a point of reference!!
I am shocked that you remembered the series name since it was 13 years ago. Glad to see you are checking out the blog. It is all Mary's hard work. I am just along for the ride.
I love the video! You and your husband are so fun! I can't wait to get over there and do/see these things too! Ahhh so excited!
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