Monday, January 19, 2009

Cherry Blossom Season

Over the weekend, we attended the first of many cherry blossom festivals this season. Japanese people are crazy for this time of year-- some even travel as far as mainland Japan for a first glimpse of the flowers since they don't start blooming there for a few more months. Okinawan cherry blossoms, we've learned, are different from mainland. They are a Taiwanese variety that are bright pink rather than pale pink or white as they are in Kyoto.

We got there by snaking up a one way mountain road lined with trees along the way. This road was really gorgeous, especially on the way down (which we couldn't capture since the camera unexpectedly ran out of battery!)

Once we got to the park, we had a small picnic with bento boxes from Hotto Motto. We just discovered this fun shop which sells a variety of prepared lunches perfect for picnics or to take to work. I love them because they give a little taste of everything.  

They also had ice cream stands up there selling "cherry blossom" ice cream with lines of people waiting to buy. We suspect it must be like Girl Scout cookie time in the states-- it only comes once a year with limited supplies.

More pictures of cherry blossoms to follow soon!

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