Sunday, May 3, 2009

Martini, anyone?

Japan has such a vibrant night culture. Things really come alive after dark when the neon is out in full force. Japanese congregate in bars and pubs after long work days and let loose. Moreover, if you drive around, you notice places that you never even knew existed during the day. 

Most nights, we go to sleep early (my fault most of the time- I wish 8:30 were a respectable bed time), so we miss out on this whole nocturnal experience. Lately, we made a resolution to venture out more in the late evenings. 

This week, we forced ourselves to stay awake by watching a terrible movie checked out from the library and then randomly selected a bar called Big Tomorrow, which was slightly off the beaten track. (That means, not in Chatan, the normal happening night spot for Americans around here) Off the beaten track is often hit or miss here, but we were feeling adventurous and figured the drinks would be way cheaper. 

And the verdict was... we liked it. No bar fight between drunken Marines broke out, we witnessed a budding romance between a mature man and woman at the bar, the ambiance was cozy, and we didn't spend $40 bucks for two watered down drinks. Also, we got to watch Brian Adams and Billy Joel in concert in Rome on the TV. 


1 comment:

Dan and Sharon said...

Checked out some of your older posts as well. You are having too much fun. Looking forward to hanging with you all again. 2 more years?

Dan and Sharon


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